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Guide to good symbol content
Fully symbolised content
What is fully symbolised content?
If the content you are symbolising is aimed exclusively at symbol readers, you will very probably want to give full symbol support to your text. Full symbolisation involves illustrating every information-carrying word in the content with a symbol.
Where would fully symbolised content be used?
Full symbolisation is definitely appropriate for any content that is aimed exclusively at symbol readers, as it allows them to gain the near ‘word for word’ understanding, which a brief summary cannot.
It is important to remember that while fully symbolised documents are the most accessible for symbol readers, you will need to write or rewrite text specifically to be symbolised.
Space is another important consideration with a fully symbolised document. A single page of A4 text, when simplified and symbolised, usually takes up to three or four sides of A4.
Symbol content on a website
Symbol content in surveys
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