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- Autism Support Pack
The Autism Support Packs for School and Home have been created with professionals and the autistic community. They contain a comprehensive set of resources which are categorised according to the 4 Areas of Need in an EHCP.
The packs are only available to Widgit Online or InPrint 3 subscribers.
What's included...
There are two tailored packs, a home pack aimed at parents or carers and a more comprehensive pack for schools.
The School Pack is available with Standard, Plus, Pro and Site subscriptions for InPrint 3 and Widgit Online.
The Home Pack is available with Home and Basic subscriptions for InPrint 3 and Widgit Online.
Communication Support
Use these communication cards to support picture exchange and utilise aided language boards for other activities.
Included with School Pack and Home Pack
(Image taken from InPrint 3 version of the pack)
School Specific Signage
Promote independence and make your school environment engaging and accessible with these signs and labels.
Included with School Pack
(Image taken from InPrint 3 version of the pack)
Story Specific Colourful Semantics
Develop core vocabulary and key questions using these 5 popular children’s stories.
Included with School Pack
(Image taken from InPrint 3 version of the pack)
Emotional Regulation Scales and Language Boards
Use and personalise these Scales and language boards to aid co-regulation and depict a variety of scenarios whilst supporting different needs.
Included with School Pack and Home Pack
(Image taken from InPrint 3 version of the pack)
Social Stories
Personalise these stories to help children understand social situations and ease anxiety.
Included with School Pack and Home Pack
(Image taken from InPrint 3 version of the pack)
Personal Care Visuals
Help support individuals with their personal care routines, including toileting, showering and getting dressed.
Included with School Pack and Home Pack
(Image taken from InPrint 3 version of the pack)
Differentiated Maths Activities
Reinforce addition, subtraction and place value with these engaging, fun resources.
Included with School Pack
(Image taken from InPrint 3 version of the pack)
Phase 1-5 Phonics Resources
Use these flashcards and games to support the teaching of phonics.
Included with School Pack
(Image taken from InPrint 3 version of the pack)
Parent and Carer Guide
A useful guide with links, adverts and 'words of wisdom' contributed by parents and carers of autistic people.
Included with School Pack and Home Pack
(Image taken from InPrint 3 version of the pack)
These packs are only available for the subscription versions of InPrint 3 and Widgit Online.
If you have a subscription...
Available in InPrint 4
If you have an InPrint 4 subscription this pack is preinstalled in the Resources area, available from the File menu.
If you do not have a subscription...
Purchase InPrint 4 with the Autism Support Pack
Purchase InPrint 3 with the Autism Support Pack

Like to see some examples?
Created with professionals to support the autistic community
The Education Team at Widgit has worked with a number of professionals to ensure that this pack is of the highest quality and in line with current practice and views of the autistic community. We would like to thank each of them for their support, guidance and contributions.
Karen Watson
Karen (@scottish_asn_teacher) is an Additional Support Needs (ASN) educator, inclusion champion, author and teacher based in Scotland.
Lynn McCann
Lynn is an autism specialist who started Reachout ASC in 2014. She supports autistic pupils in primary, secondary and special schools and provides training.
Joanna Grace
Joanna Grace is a sensory engagement and inclusion specialist, author, trainer, doctoral researcher, TEDx speaker and founder of The Sensory Projects.
Examples of symbols included in the packs
As part of the creation of this pack and to allow you to make your own resources to best support the autistic people you care for, we have created over 80 new symbols. After consultation with our users, professionals and the autistic community we have also edited some of our existing symbols to bring them up to date.