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- Puffin on the Beach
An illustrated story with Widgit Symbols

A beautifully illustrated printed book By David and Tharada Blakesley, supported by a cd of over 40 educational resources.

The Book
Puffin on the Beach describes how Sam and Hollie's plan to spend an afternoon rock pooling takes an unexpected turn when Sam thinks he has found a Penguin. Hollie is not so sure, and their father realises that the bird is actually a Puffin. Clearly in need of help, the children rescue the Puffin and we discover how the bird is eventually returned to the ocean.
About the authors
Puffin on the Beach is the first of a series of 'Sam and Hollie' books by David Blakesley (author) and Tharada Blakesley (illustrator). Together they have worked on a number of books for parents/carers, teachers and children with autism and related conditions. They also founded 'Autism and Nature', an organisation dedicated to engaging children on the autistic spectrum with the countryside and nature.
A learning resource
This delightful story should appeal to children between the ages of 3 to 11 with special educational needs who have learning difficulties or problems with speech and language development. It may also interest older children who still require stories with simple language and a high visual content. It combines clear and delightful illustrations with simple text, supported by Widgit symbols over key words.
The Sam and Hollie books represent the first series of illustrated children's story books which symbolise key words with Widgit symbols.

Education Resource CD
A fantastic selection of 40 new and exciting symbol resources based on the book. They include cross curricular themed materials linked to the seaside and a sequence of literacy lessons can be used to teach objectives related to the story. These engaging resources inspire teaching and learning within primary education.
Contents of Resource CD
The Resource CD contains 40 activities linked to the book, seaside and birds.
All resources are in PDF format.
Literacy Puffin on the Beach
- A4 StoryThe full story with illustrations and symbol content Write your story The illustrations without the symbols content Draw your own pictures The story without illustrations Sequence the pictures The illustrations in a 3x2 grid Sequence the Story
- Full VersionSymbol content per 2 lines Sequence the Story
- Short VersionA short version of the story in 12 lines. Story Flashcards
- in thee formatsFlash cards of the main story vocabulary. In symbol & text, symbol only and text only Story Vocabulary List Small version of the flashcards to support writing Spelling Activity Write the word by the symbol Connect Draw a line to connect the word and symbols Story Comprehension
- Questions12 comprehension questions on the story Story Comprehension
- Multiple Choice8 multiple choice questions on the story
MathsHow many? Counting up to 9 activity Counting to 5 Counting and visual discrimination Sea Bird Tally Chart Tally chart activity for when visiting waterways and beaches Sea Bird Pictogram Pictogram activity for when visiting waterways and beaches Park Bird Tally Chart Tally chart activity for when visiting parks Park Bird Pictogram Pictogram activity for when visiting parks Garden Bird Tally Chart Tally chart activity for when in the garden Garden Bird Pictogram Pictogram activity for when in the garden Odd one out Images for visual discrimination
ScienceSummer and Winter Clothes Pick clothes to wear when its hot / cold Sort the Animal Features Cut and stick to sort the different animal features Sort the Animals Cut and stick to classify the animals types Life cycles Sequencing activity for birds, frogs, butterflies and flowers
Geography Puffin Book A book about puffins Puffin Facts 14 fun facts about puffins Rockpool Safety Rules for staying safe when rockpooling Beach Safety Rules for staying safe on the beach Coasts Book Information about coasts What's in a Rockpool? Tick or count what you can find in a rockpool. What do you find? Draw a circle around the items you find on the beach / in the sea / on the pier Seaside Flashcards Key word vocabulary linked to the seaside
PSHE and CitizenshipVet Interview Find out what it is like to be a vet
GamesPuffin says Puffin action version of the 'Simon Says' game Dominos Topic related version of Domino cards Word Search Word search with words from the story Rockpool Bingo Bingo game for 10 players on a rockpool theme