A comprehensive resource pack compromising of 9 fully symbol-supported books and 42 activities based on the subject of the Arctic.
The Arctic resource pack covers the geography, life and the science of the Arctic. The pack is aimed at KS1 and KS2 and provides information on what the Arctic is and the animals and plants that live within the Arctic.
Available in InPrint 4
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This pack has two sets of reading books, full symbolised and text only.
Arctic Geography:
Arctic Geography
Physical Features of the Arctic
Woodland Identifying Trees
Arctic Life:
Animal Life in the Arctic
Arctic Animals
Arctic Plants
Plant Life in the Arctic
Arctic Science:
Arctic Clothing
Arctic Food Chains
Climate Change in the Arctic
Arctic Warming Poster
Bar Graph Landscape
Bar Graph
Display Flashcards A5
Draw and Colour
Hidden Words
How Many
Match Pictures
Match Word to Picture
Missing Words
Multiple Choice - Symbol
Multiple Choice - Text
Odd One Out
Sentence Matching
Sorting Activity
Symbol Word Cards