
Geography Unit 23, Investigating Coasts, KS2, Years 5/6.
This pack contains four books in two differentiated levels. A pack of activities such as dictionaries, vocabulary flashcards, worksheets is included to support this unit.
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Books - Two differentiated reading levels, text and symbol supported:

Information About Coasts
Explaining coasts and how they are shaped.
Human Activity at the Coast
The impact of humans on the coast.
Waves and Beaches
Explanation of how waves create coastal formations.
Tourism at the Beach
A look at how some coastal areas have adapted to tourism.
Coastal Photographs
Photographs of coastal features.
Forms of Erosional Deposit
Two sheets listing erosional and depositional landforms.
Holiday Brochure Starter
Introduction to the task of making a holiday brochure, including symbol cards of activities.
Holiday Brochure 3-fold
Blank proforma for a 3-fold brochure to fill in.
Holiday Brochure Pages
Five pages with frames for creating brochures or posters.
Coasts Dictionary - Supported
Definitions of 25 key coasts vocabulary with symbol support.
Coasts Dictionary - Text
Text definitions of 25 key coasts vocabulary words.
Coasts Vocabulary list
Reference list of key vocabulary with text word and symbol.
Coasts Flashcards - Symbol
Set of Flashcards of key vocabulary with Symbols only for learning, and matching activities.
Coasts Flashcards - Symbol and word
Set of Flashcards of key vocabulary with Symbols and words for learning, and matching activities.
Coasts Flashcards - Word
Set of Flashcards of key vocabulary with Text only for learning, and matching activities.