
Geography Unit 14 (Y6) Investigating Rivers KS2. This pack links to KS3 Unit 7 (Y8) Rivers - a fieldwork approach.
This pack contains 31 books, dictionaries, vocabulary flashcards, worksheets and many more activities to support this unit. Through these activities pupils will find out where water comes from, where water goes to, how rivers affect the landscape etc.
Resources on the Water Cycle can be found in Unit 5D Changing State.
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Books - Two differentiated reading levels, text and symbol supported:

A river from source to sea
Explains a river's journey.
A book about deposition.
Erosion in Rivers
Describes types of river erosion.
Explains the types of transportation and different materials carried by a river.
Photo book
Explanation of river types and vocabulary with photo evidence.
Dictionary a-h
Dictionary i-r
Dictionary s-w
Dictionary Complete - Text
Rivers course worksheet
Questions and drawing activity.
Rivers the big picture info sheet - Text
Text version of a rivers fact sheet.
Rivers the big picture info sheet - Supported
Symbol supported version of a rivers fact sheet.
Human and land use
Examples of human activity on and around rivers.
A rivers course
Practical activity.
Rivers Key Questions - Cards
Key questions for individuals or for group discussion.
Rivers Key Questions - Worksheet
Worksheet may be used with the cards.
Rivers quiz
Worksheet, circle the correct answer.
Sentence strips
Cut out and match activity.
Flashcards symbol
Rivers vocabulary symbol cards.
Flashcards symbol and word
Rivers vocabulary symbol and word cards.
Flashcards word
Rivers vocabulary word cards.
Word search
Rivers vocabulary word search.
Water in the environment
Assorted pictures of places where water goes to, in the environment.
Water cycle
Information sheet.
Investigation sheets to find out what happens to puddles.
Rain investigation
Investigation to find out where rain goes to in the playground.
Rain in the playground
Rainfall and surfaces investigation.
Vocabulary list
Rivers vocabulary list.