A set of 5 books, information sheets and flashcards based on India.

This symbol supported pack will support teaching and learning about India and it's culture, providing background information for a U.K. contrasting non-European country.
Teaching materials include a book about India, supported at 5 different levels and 6 supported Information sheets (with appropriate flashcards) covering different aspects of Indian culture including art, entertainment, food and festivals.
There is also a vocabulary list to use alongside the books.
Available in InPrint 4
If you have an InPrint 4 subscription this pack is preinstalled in the Resources area, available from the File menu.

There is one topic in the pack:
- India
The books come in five differentiated reading levels:
Short sentences, one sentence
per line, four lines per page.

With the addition of symbols for
key words and new vocabulary.

Symbols for all the main words
for pupils requiring more support.

Less information,
two lines per page.

Just one symbol per page, for the topic
vocabulary. Can be used as display sheets.

The India activities contain a range of materials to support the book:
- Art
- Cities
- Entertainment
- Festivals
- Food
- Introduction
- Mountains
- River
- Special Occasions
- Traditional Dress
Information Sheets
In four differentiated reading levels: Simplified, Supported, Symbol and Text.
- Mehndi
- Rangoli
- Bollywood
- Music
- Diwali
- Festivals
- Food
- Weddings
- Traditional Dress