Books and activities to support history

A range of simple information books and activities about the Vikings.
This pack contains 4 simple information books and a useful range of activities to support the teaching and learning around the Vikings topic. Use the information books to introduce and learn about the Vikings and use the activities to check the pupil's knowledge and understanding.
Available in InPrint 4
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This pack is unavailable to InPrint 4 users on Home or Basic Tier accounts. To gain access, please upgrade to Standard Tier or higher.

There are four topics in the pack:
- Viking and Anglo Saxons
- Viking Life
- Vikings
- Viking Sagas and Beliefs
The books come in four differentiated reading levels:
Short sentences, one sentence
per line, four lines per page.

With the addition of symbols for
key words and new vocabulary.

Symbols for all the main words
for pupils requiring more support.

Less information,
two lines per page.

Just one symbol per page, for the topic
vocabulary. Can be used as display sheets.

The Viking activity pack has a set of eleven activities. The range of activities include:
- Draw and Colour
- Draw own Pictures - Symbol
- Draw own Pictures - Text
- Hidden Words
- Key Questions and Answers - Symbol
- Key Questions and Answers - Text
- Match Word to Picture
- Missing Words
- Multiple Choice - Symbol
- Multiple Choice - Text
- Sentence Matching