Fun pack for learning about fractions from halves to twelfths

Discover basic fractions and understand fraction vocabulary.
This pack contains 18 activities including games, pictures, quizzes and vocabulary. There are activities for both display and individual work.


Fractions Information
Explanation sheet of what a fraction is, using the example of a square, showing how it can be split into four.
Fractions Flashcards
Symbolised vocabulary for fractions.
Fractions Vocabulary List
Pupil sheet of the fractions vocabulary.
Fraction Strips
Used to show how two halves, three thirds and four quarters all make up one whole, this sheet can be laminated and the individual strips cut out.
Fractions Game
The game is best played by a maximum of four pupils who each have an equal number of question and answer cards which they place face up on the table. Someone is chosen to start and they read out one of their question cards. The person who has the corresponding answer card reads the answer out and then reads another question card, and so on until all the cards are used.
Fraction Problems
Six problem sheets to help understanding of fractions using everyday objects. It would be best to use pictures/symbols of biscuits, oranges, pencils, apples, buttons and toy cars for the activity (or the real objects) as this provides visual support.
Proper Improper Fractions
This resources sheet explains what 'proper fraction', 'improper fraction' and 'mixed fraction' mean.
What Fraction?
Simple worksheet asking what fractions a shape / object has been cut into.
Numerator Denominator Display Information
Resource which explains what the numerator and denominator are in a fraction. Page per sentence for Interactive Whiteboard or display.
Numerator Denominator Pupil Sheet
Resource which explains what the numerator and denominator are in a fraction. Single sheet for pupils.
Numerator Denominator Class Questions
Numerator and denominator questions for class for use on Interactive Whiteboard or display.
Fractions Colour Shapes
Worksheet where a square, circle, triangle and rectangle can be shaded or coloured in to show understanding of a whole, halves, quarters and thirds.
Fractions Pictures Cake
A selection of pictures for whole, half, third and quarter.
Fractions Pictures Pizza
A selection of pictures for whole, half, third and quarter.
Fractions Pictures Chocolate
A selection of pictures for whole, half, third, quarter, sixths and twelfths.
Fractions Pictures Logs
A selection of pictures for whole, half, third, quarter, fifths and sixths.
Fractions Pictures Triangles
A selection of pictures for all the ninths.
Fractions Pictures Watermelon
A selection of pictures for all the twelfths.