Forces and Movement
Books and activities to support science unit

Discover forces push and pull, and how movement is effected by friction, gravity and air resistance.
The pack contains 19 resources including books, flashcards, vocabulary lists and a selection of activities for individuals and groups.
Available in InPrint 4
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This pack is unavailable to InPrint 4 users on Home or Basic Tier accounts. To gain access, please upgrade to Standard Tier or higher.


Forces and Movement Story - Symbols
Story book about forces - symbol version.
Forces and Movement Story - Text
Story book about forces - text version.
Forces Facts - Symbols
Fact sheet about forces - symbol version.
Forces Facts - Text
Fact sheet about forces - text version.
Display Flashcards A4
Large flashcards to display in the classroom.
Display Flashcards A5
Small flashcards to display in the classroom.
Vocabulary List
Vocabulary linked to the forces section of the science programme of study.
Symbol Word Cards
Visual supports to print and use for vocabulary games.
Small symbol sheet to show vocabulary overview for forces subject area.
Key vocabulary including word definitions
Activity to rehearse and practise key vocabulary.
Activity to match key vocabulary symbol to the word.
Activity to identify and use key vocabulary.
Making Things Move
Lists of ways that objects can move using different forces.
Push or Pull Carroll Diagram
Sorting activity to look at objects that need pushes or pulls.
Speeding Up and Slowing Down - Quiz Symbols
A multiple choice quiz linked to speed with symbol support.
Speeding Up and Slowing Down - Quiz Text
A multiple choice quiz linked to speed.
Forces - Quiz Symbols
A multiple choice quiz linked to forces with symbol support.
Forces - Quiz Text
A multiple choice quiz linked to forces.