Grouping and Changing Materials
Books and activities to support science unit

A pack of materials, including flashcards, stories, activities and games to support individual and group learning of Materials.


Changing Materials Story - Symbol
A story which talks about changing materials with symbol support.
Changing Materials Story - Text
A story which talks about changing materials.
Snowman Story - Symbol
A story which talks about a snowman freezing and melting with symbol support.
Snowman Story - Text
A story which talks about a snowman freezing and melting.
Display Flashcards A4
Large flashcards to display in the classroom.
Display Flashcards A5
Small flashcards to display in the classroom.
Vocabulary List
Vocabulary linked to the materials section of the science programme of study.
Symbol Word Cards
Visual supports to print and use for vocabulary games.
Small symbol sheet to show vocabulary overview for states of matter subject area.
Key vocabulary including word definitions.
Small symbol sheet to show vocabulary overview for materials subject area.
Activity linked to the key vocabulary.
Board Game
Fun game to look at scientific knowledge linked to grouping and changing materials.
Game to rehearse and practise key vocabulary.
Card game to match the symbol to the word for the key vocabulary.
Freezing and Melting
Activity to identify substances that freeze and/or melt.
Heating and Freezing
Activity to identify what happens to substances with different temperatures.
Matching Materials
Identify the material that objects are made out of.
Material Properties
Activity to identify properties of different materials.
Natural or Man-made
Sorting activity to identify natural and man-made materials.
Sorting Materials
Revision activity to identify scientific knowledge linked to materials.
Cut and Sequence
Order the flashcard sequences to show where materials come from.
Changing Shape Missing Words
Use the word bank to fill in the missing words.
Sorting activity to identify natural and man-made materials.