Growing Plants
Books and activities to support science unit

Discover plant and tree parts, the plant life cycle and understand how seeds grow.
The pack contains 27 resources including books, flashcards, vocabulary lists and a selection of activities for individuals and groups.
Available in InPrint 4
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A range of information books in symbol and text versions:
Plant Life Cycle
Flowering Plants
Display Flashcards A4
Large flashcards to display in the classroom.
Display Flashcards A5
Small flashcards to display in the classroom.
Vocabulary List
Vocabulary linked to the plants section of the science programme of study.
Symbol Word Cards
Visual supports to print and use for vocabulary games.
Small symbol sheet to show vocabulary overview for plants subject area.
Key vocabulary including word definitions
Jack and the Beanstalk
Activity that links Jack and the Beanstalk to plants study area.
Poem about what plants need to grow.
Missing Words
Activity to identify what plants need to survive and grow.
Name Parts of Plants and Trees
Activity to name parts of plants and trees.
Name the Flowers
Activity to name different flowers.
Photos of Flowers
Photo flashcards to support naming flowers.
Photos of Vegetables
Photo flashcards to support naming vegetables.
Plant and Tree Parts - Blank
Blank diagrams to name plant and tree parts.
Plant and Tree Parts - Symbols
Symbol diagrams to name plant and tree parts.
Plant and Tree Parts - Text
Text diagrams to name plant and tree parts.
Plants around School
Activity to identify flowers and plants that grow on the school grounds.
Seed Growth - Symbols
Information text about seed growth with symbol support.
Seed Growth - Text
Information text about seed growth.
Flashcards to order the plant life cycle steps.
Well Known Flowers
Flashcards and labels to identify well known flowers.