Keeping Warm
Books and activities to support science unit

Discover good heat insulating and conducting materials.
The pack contains 34 resources including books, flashcards, vocabulary lists and a selection of activities for individuals and groups. Included in the pack are lesson plans and resources, for practical investigations, to support upper Key Stage 2 pupils.
Available in InPrint 4
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A range of information books in symbol and text versions:
- Materials
- Insulators
- Thermometers
Insulators Investigation
Four differentiated investigation plan recording sheets and teacher’s lesson plan for a scientific investigation into insulating materials.
House Insulators Investigation
Four differentiated investigation plan recording sheets and teacher’s lesson plan for a scientific investigation into different house insulating materials.
Display Flashcards A4 1 and 2*
Large flashcards to display in the classroom.
Display Flashcards A5 1 and 2*
Small flashcards to display in the classroom.
Vocabulary List 1 and 2*
Vocabulary linked to the keeping warm section of the science programme of study.
Symbol Word Cards 1 and 2*
Visual supports to print and use for vocabulary games.
Glossary 1 and 2*
Small symbol sheet to show vocabulary overview for keeping warm subject area.
Dictionary 1 and 2*
Key vocabulary including word definitions
Keeping Warm wordsearch and answer sheet.
Keeping Warm crossword and answer sheet.
Animal visual aids to assist with the question how do animals keep warm?
Temperature Matching - Cut and Stick
Match the temperature in degrees Celsius with the correct description.
Quiz - Symbols
Multiple choice quiz with symbol support.
Quiz - Text
Multiple choice quiz in plain text.
*Vocabulary has been split into two groups
Group 1 - key vocabulary for keeping warm
Group 2 - key vocabulary for different materials