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Diabetes Symbol Resources
Widgit Symbols designed to support the Alphabet Strategy Diabetes Sheets

The Diabetes Symbol Resources include simple text and symbol supported versions of the Alphabet Strategy Diabetes Sheets.
The symbols were developed in partnership with Warwick University, Warwick Diabetes Care Research User Group and the George Eliot Diabetes Care Team. The Alphabet Strategy was originally devised by the George Eliot Diabetes Care Team

People living with diabetes need to learn how to manage their diabetes and much education involves the use of materials which require literacy. The use of symbols has found to be effective, particularly for those with learning, literacy or language difficulties. There are people with diabetes in all these groups. We have developed symbols for concepts and words related to diabetes, in order that diabetes materials might be presented using symbols, for the benefit of people who live with diabetes but have difficulties in reading.
The materials comprise laminated A4 sheets each covering specific diabetes issues related to the letters of the alphabet A to G.
Advice, Blood pressure, Cholesterol, Diabetes control, Eyes, Feet, Guardian Drugs
Diabetes Symbol Project article - an explanation of the project and the symbols