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Wellbeing Pack
Symbol-supported books and activities to support children’s wellbeing
Good mental health is essential in order to help young people live happy and healthy lives. This resource pack, which has been produced in partnership with Dr Jerricah Holder, Educational Psychologist, contains symbolised books and activities to support children’s understanding of wellbeing and self-care.
The symbolised books explain what wellbeing ‘looks like’ and provides guidance on how children can improve their own wellbeing. The themes of resilience and mindfulness are also explored. This pack aims to help build emotional understanding.
Children will explore how they may experience ‘comfortable’ and ‘uncomfortable’ bodily sensations and how these ‘signs’ can help them make sense of how they are feeling. Children will learn the importance of developing a ‘web of support’ as a way of ensuring they have a network of trusted adults who they can ask for support.
This resource pack would support the teaching of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education in schools.
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About Dr Jerricah Holder
Dr Jerricah Holder is an experienced Child and Educational Psychologist and creator of the School Wellbeing Card Series. Jerricah is passionate about the development of creative visual resources that empower children and young people to share their views and experiences, and which help to centre the child and young person’s voice at the heart of assessment and intervention.
The Wellbeing pack has been developed in consultation with Dr Holder, who has had a significant input into the Resilience Cards in particular.
Wellbeing Book
A symbol-supported book to explain the importance of self-care and wellbeing to young people in a simplistic and concise way.
Five Ways to Wellbeing Book
This book follows on well from the Wellbeing Book as it encourages children to explore a variety of activities to promote and improve their wellbeing.
Resilience Book
A story to help to develop an awareness of how to face challenges and overcome obstacles.
Positive Qualities
An activity to develop self-confidence and help children to recognise feelings and qualities in themselves and in other people. This activity aims to help children to recognise the importance of building caring friendships.
Circles of Control
A practical activity to help children understand that some things are beyond their control. This resource enables children to recognise a variety of different situations that may arise within daily life and organise them onto the circles of control proforma.
Comfortable and Uncomfortable Bodily Sensations
A resource to support children in developing an awareness of comfortable / uncomfortable bodily sensations that they may experience and the importance of making changes in order to feel safe.
Comfortable and Uncomfortable Scenarios
An activity to support children in understanding how they may experience both comfortable and uncomfortable bodily sensations in a range of scenarios e.g. going on a rollercoaster might make you feel both excited and anxious.
Web of Support
A resource to use alongside the Resilience Book which discusses the concept of a support web. This activity encourages children to draw their own trusted adults onto their support web.
Special Breathing
A visual resource and step-by-step guide to explain the importance of focusing on breathing in order to feel calm.
What Helps Checklist
A resource to encourage children to consider their own strategies for emotional regulation. This resource will work well as a follow up activity after reading the wellbeing book.
Resilience Cards
A set of cards to support school staff to explore key areas of resilience with a child. The cards can be sorted into two piles to encourage children to reflect on what is ‘Like Me’ and what is ‘Not like Me.’ Further information on how to use the cards is available at the front of the pack.