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Rhyme Boards
13 Symbol rhymes and flashcard sets

Rhyme Boards can be used to develop children's attention and listening skills, language skills and rhyme recognition skills.
They are mainly for use with Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1.


For each rhyme in the pack there is a title page, the whole rhyme to print, and flash cards for all the key vocabulary
There are 13 rhymes included in the set:
- Baa Baa Black sheep
- Fish Alive
- Five Currant Buns*
- Five Little Ducks
- Five Speckled Frogs
- Humpty Dumpty
- Incy Wincy Spider
- Jack and Jill
- Little Miss Muffet
- Miss Polly
- Old Macdonald
- Ten Green Bottles
- Twinkle Twinkle
* Photographs of children may be used in the Five currant buns activity

Rhyme Boards can be used to develop children's attention and listening skills, language skills, and rhyme recognition skills. Rhyme boards:
- Provide visual clues and prompts
- Promote good attention
- Encourage children to be actively involved
- Increase expressive language
- Improve rhyme recognition
They are suitable for whole class or small groups of children as well as using at home with an individual child.
These materials are especially designing for group work. Use the flash cards as visual prompts when telling the story. Print them on card with velcro for children to retell, or join in re-telling the story. There is more information on storyboarding on the Symbols Inclusion Project website http://www.symbolsinclusionproject.org
Make small versions for one-to one and small group work.