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- Bodies, Emotions and Relationships
Bodies, Emotions and Relationships
13 activities based on bodies, emotions and relationships

A pack to learn about our bodies, forming relationships and the emotions surrounding them.
The pack uses the Widgit Symbols and include full literature. The content of the pack has been devised by Thomas Anthony.


Match the picture to the word.
Our Bodies
Write the body part in the boxes.
Body Puzzle
Two levels of puzzle to arrange the cards in the correct order.
Paul and Lisa - supported
A symbol supported story about Paul and Lisa and their relationship.
Paul and Lisa - text
A story about about Paul and Lisa and their relationship.
Draw a circle around the emotions Paul and Lisa may have felt.
Missing words flashcards
Use the flashcards to fill in the missing words about Paul and Lisa.
Sexual emotions and behaviours
Draw a circle around the emotions you may personally feel.
Sex flashcards
Question and answer flashcard activity.
Relationship circle
Write the names of the people in your life in the correct circles to identify boundaries and relationships.
Personal relationships feelings chart
Write the names and feelings towards each individual in your life on to the chart.
Do's and Dont's
Flashcards of things you should and shouldn't do.
Pictures to colour.