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Learning for Life
A series of 'Life' reading books and workbooks from Kim Merry

Books and workbooks from Merry Publications, on social topics for pupils with learning difficulties, including autism. These books are teaching aids for both the speech and language professional, schools and parents.
The reading books are mostly 20 page booklets with an illustration and a single line of symbolised text. Each book is supported with an activity book.
'Life Books' are also designed to increase the students' confidence and enjoyment of reading.

There are 10 packs, each with 5 reading books and 5 workbooks.

The reading books are mostly 20 page booklets with an illustration and a single line of symbolised text. Each book is supported with an activity book.
Activity Books are 40 page booklets with a range of activities:
- Recall of story using Symbol Story Cards
- Reading with just one symbol to summarise
- Matching and logic with sentence completion
- Vocabulary
- Matching words to symbols
- Some copying and spelling skills
- Odd one out activities
- Sorting Vocabulary
Questions for life 1 – People
How are you?
What does the girl have?
What work do you do?
Who is in the car?
Who is in the park?
Questions for life 2 – Animals
What animals do you have?
What animals do you like?
What are you?
What can you see?
Why is the man scared?
Questions for life 3 – Actions
What are you doing?
What do you do at night?
What do you do in the morning?
What do you do in the morning?
What don't you like doing?
Questions for Life 4 – Objects
How many presents does Sue have?
What colour do you like?
What is in the box?
What is the lady buying?
What work do you like?
Questions for life 5 - Food and Drink
What are the boys buying?
What are you drinking?
What are you eating?
What do you want?
What food don't you like?
Questions for Life 6 - Time and Place
How do you go home?
How is the weather?
When are you going?
Where is the boy?
Where is the dog?
Indoor Occupations
Working as a plumber
Working in a café
Working in a clothes shop
Working in a fish & chip shop
Working in an office
Outdoor Occupations
Working as a builder
Working as a bus driver
Working as a gardener
Working as a market trader
Working as a postman
Men, Women and Babies
Having a baby
Looking after a baby
Looking at love
Men and Women
True Life Stories – silly crime stories
Burglar Does a Maths Test
Burglar Runs
Burglar Sleeps on the Job
Cleaner Hoovers Money
Man in a Wheelchair
Questions for Life books illustrated by Susan Orange.
True Life Stories illustrations by Christina Frost.
Books published by and copyright of Merry Publications