Road Safety
11 activities based on a Road Safety theme

The pack is aimed at teaching how to cross the road safely, understanding traffic lights and pedestrian crossings and general road safety.
The pack uses the Widgit Symbols and include full literature. The content of the pack has been devised by Thomas Anthony.


Activity sheet to match the picture to the word
Travellers hunt
Activity sheet to find the listed items whilst you are on a road journey
Signal teacher
Match the colour circles to the correct meaning
Crossing teacher
Match the colour circles to the correct meaning
Road safety flashcards and questions
Choose the correct flashcard to answer the question
Road safety search
Draw a circle around the correct answers
Question and answer time
Draw a circle around the correct answers
Bob and Charlie's road journey - supported
A symbol supported story about bob and charlie's journey into town
Bob and Charlie's road journey - text
A story about Bob and Charlie's journey into town
Missing word activity sheets and flashcards
Fill in the missing words about Bob and Charlie's road journey
Pictures to colour
Pictures to colour associated with road safety