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Language Development Packs
A comprehensive suite of language resources by Catherine Redmayne

These packs are designed by a Speech and Language Therapist to provide a very comprehensive suite.
The materials are designed for use by teachers, teaching assistants and others supporting pupils with language difficulties.
Each pack includes an instruction guide listing the contents and overall features of the pack. Each file within the packs contains guides to the adult on how to use the materials and what to look for in the child's response.
Pack 1: Early language resources
A treasury of early language resources for working on vocabulary, 2-word utterances, & longer sentences.
Speech and language: teach early language skills - age equivalent 2-3:6y.

Pack 2: Language-differing complexity
A wide variety of language tasks of differing complexity (based on the work of Marion Blank).
Speech and language: extend early language - age equivalent 3-6y.

Pack 3: Places we go
Places we go, things we do - lots of ideas for vocabulary work, talking about plans, and understanding instructions.
Speech and language: place we go, things we do - age equivalent 4-6y.

Pack 4: Elements of narrative
Activities aimed at building up awareness of the links between question words and appropriate answers.
Speech and language: elements of narrative - age equivalent 4-7y.

Pack 5: Verbs past
Carefully grouped -ed past tenses (with ideas for pronunciation), & common irregular past tenses.
Speech and language: past tenses for verbs - age equivalent 5-8y.

Pack 6: Charts
Practise completing charts from pictures and children's profiles. Associated worksheets encourage chart interpretation.
Charts - age equivalent 5-8y

Pack 7: Reading 1
An early look & say reading scheme in two packs. The reading vocabulary is learnt playing 'pairs' with symbol support. Simple reading books and a memory task back up learning.
Reading: look & say scheme for early reading - age equivalent 4-6y

Pack 8: Reading 2
An early look & say reading scheme in two packs. The reading vocabulary is learnt playing 'pairs' with symbol support. Simple reading books and a memory task back up learning.
Reading: look & say scheme for early reading - age equivalent 4-6y

Pack 9: Extending Language Skills
A pack of ideas for children who continue to have some problems with comprehension and sentence building.
N.B.This Pack may be too challenging for some children with moderate learning difficulties.
Language Skills: age equivalent approximately 7-9y

Pack 10: Shape Up
Encourage sentence development with children.
Speech and language: suitable for approximately 4y with specific language impairment and older children with global delay (e.g Down's Syndrome)

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Victorian Annan (Lead of ARP for Autism at Chalgrove Primary School), Katherine Wheeler (Teaching assistant at Charlgrove Primary School) and Will Cannock (MAT SEND Lead at The Charter School Education Trust) discuss how they use Widgit Symbols to support their students.