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11 activities and resource materials to support the Olympics and Paralympics
There are 6 activities for students, resources including flash cards of sports and country flags with two supporting vocabulary lists.
The resource materials, with the flash cards and vocabulary lists, provide useful symbol supported materials that will compliment other materials you may be already planning to use.


Favourite Sports Survey
Choose 4 sports and survey your friends to see which is the most popular. A sample sheet plus a Blank sheet and set of sports tiles to choose from
Individual Results Sheet
Fill in for your favourite sport to record the result. This could be used in advance to record who won
Name the Sport - Large
4 pages, each with 4 sports. Copy or cut and stick the correct names.
True or False
A page of statements to mark true or false
Which Sports
A page of questions. Identify 2 out of the 4 sports. For example sports that are held in a swimming pool
Two word searches. Includes a page with the target words showing symbols as help.
Olympic Country Flags
82 Flags for different countries participating. Two additional sheets with extra cards of the countries that traditionally win more medals.
Sports Cards - Medium
5 pages of 18 sports cards to use in the Individual results activity. Useful for displays and supporting other activities
Sports Cards - Large
48 Larger sports cards
Sports Vocab - Short
Vocabulary reference sheets to help word recognition and spelling. 3 pages with the main sports
Sports Vocab - Long
Vocabulary reference sheets to help word recognition and spelling. 6 pages with most sports plus other Olympic vocabulary