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- World Cup 2022 Qatar
World Cup 2022 Qatar
Symbol resources to support learning and enjoyment of the 2022 World Cup

This free symbol-supported pack includes a World Cup Chart to record the progress of the competition, World Cup Flags Display Cards and Flashcards.
Two differentiated sets of Trading Cards have been created to help children learn more about the competing countries.
Further activities are included to build geographical understanding of countries and continents as well as enabling children to practise key literacy and mathematical skills.

Find out more about the host nation Qatar
We have created a set of 3 symbol-supported books and a variety of activities to teach about Qatar, the hosts of the 2022 World Cup. To find out more click here
- Cut and Stick World Cup Chart
- Flags Display Cards
- Flashcards
- Trading Cards - Simplified
- Trading Cards - Challenge
- Alphabetical Ordering Challenge
- Number bonds to 10
- Number bonds to 20
- Countries and Continents Matching Activity - Simplified
- Countries and Continents Matching Activity - Challenge
- Countries and Continents Information Page
Cut and Stick World Cup Wall Chart
Flags Display Cards
Trading Cards
Alphabetical Ordering Challenge
Number Bonds
Countries and Continents Matching Activity
Countries and Continents Information Page