Burns Night
A non-fiction text and supporting activities

This symbol-supported pack will help children to understand the historical and cultural significance of Burns Night, which is an important celebration held every year in Scotland. Learn about who Robert Burns was, his most famous poems and how he is remembered.

Resources include a non-fiction text, supporting comprehension activities, Colourful Semantics sets and Maths activities, all differentiated to meet the needs of a variety of learners.
Also included in the pack is a variety of resources such as wordsearches, colouring in and matching activities, which can be used during continuous provision for children to fully immerse themselves in this topic.

- Bunting
- Colouring
- Crossword
- Hidden Words
- Hidden Words Wordmat
- Matching Activities
- Missing Letters
- Scottish Flag
- Wordsearch
- Writing Paper
- Writing Paper - Scottish Flag
- Writing Paper - Tartan
- Addition and Subtraction Pack
- Counting Pack
- Number and Place Value Pack
Supporting Resources
- Glossary
- Wordmat
- Vocabulary List
Books and Poems
- A Red, Red Rose
- Acrostic
- Crossword
- Auld Lang Syne
- Burns - Symbol
- Burns -Text
- Copy the Letters
- Colourful Semantics - Bagpipes
- Colourful Semantics - Teddy Bears
- Comprehension Pack
- Multiple Choice – Symbols
- Multiple Choice – Text
- True or False – Symbol
- True or False – Text