Seasons Pack
Seasons themed worksheets, activities and stories

21 fun activities aimed at KS1, KS2 and Special Schools.
The Seasons pack can be used for independent activities and group work.
The pack includes stories, activities, worksheets and wall displays.


4 Seasons Poster
4 seasons symbolised display posters
4 Seasons Poster With Months
4 seasons symbolised display posters with symbolised months
Colour the Trees
Colouring activity
Counting in 2s
The 2 times table and symbolised counting activities
Counting in 3s
The 3 times table and symbolised counting activities
Counting in 4s
The 4 times table and symbolised counting activities
Counting in 5s
The 5 times table and symbolised counting activities
Draw the Seasons
Seasonal drawing activity
I Like To
Symbolised writing activity for each season
Month Season and Weather
Symbolised weather chart with symbol flashcards for weather reports
Months and Seasons
Months and seasons symbol resource
Months and Seasons Sequence
Months and Seasons flashcard sequence activity
Months and Seasons Wheel
Symbolised months and seasons wheel showing
which months belong in which season
Months of the Seasons
Write the months of the seasons with symbol support
Seasonal Sorting
Sort the symbolised flashcards into seasons activity
Seasonal Weather Sorting
Sort the symbolised flashcards into seasonal weather activity
Seasons Haiku
Symbolised haiku and instructions on how to make a haiku
Seasons Handwriting
Symbolised handwriting activity
Seasons Poem
Symbolised seasons poem
Seasons Word Mat
Symbolised seasons word mat
Sorting Months Activity
Sort the months into seasons symbolised sorting activity
Tilt and Seasons
Symbolised explanation of seasons and the Earth’s tilt