Symbol support for students with EAL

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What staff and students are saying...

"His behaviour in unsupported writing sessions when the symbolised material was not accessible for him was very different. He shouted out, distracted other pupils and was generally disruptive."

Louise Wood, Weddington Primary

"It's useful to have the picture there to remind me what I need to do.When there is lots of writing instead, I get muddled up."

Will, Year 5, Charles Dickens Primary School 

"Widgit is so versatile and can be used to support children and families with social stories, unexpected changes such as trips, to support positive behaviour, aid vocabulary development... and support the development of so many skills with a pictorial image alongside the written word."

Frances Palmer, Assistant Headteacher, Rokeby Primary School.

"Many children learn better when they have pictures to help them. Lots of children are visual learners which means they learn by seeing things rather than listening."

Louise Wood, Weddington Primary

"The symbols provided clear motivation and helped with understanding the vocabulary and meanings of terms."

Pauline Winter, Clapham Terrace Primary

"I like to see what lesson is next."

Paul Young, Year 3, Charles Dickens Primary School

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