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Symbols help PSHE education
Widgit Symbols supporting Personal, Social, Health and Economic education

I am the Lead Teacher for PSHE, Citizenship and RE at Littlegreen School (West Sussed County Council). The school is specifically for boys with social, emotional and mental/behavioural problems. We also have boys with autism...
We chose symbols because the boys need clear messages especially when it comes to boundaries. In PSHE we are doing Sex and Relationship Education at the moment and we need to make sure we create a safe environment and the information given is clear. Our main job in PSHE is safeguarding, we need to make sure the boys learn how to keep themselves safe. Using Widgit symbols helps us accomplish this.

Widgit helped design some ground rules for PSHE lessons to be displayed in the classroom.
After working with Widgit, I organised a whole school focus day for growing up/sex and relationship education using outside agencies to support the day.
The ground rules using the symbols were displayed in every classroom and everyone was clear of the expectations and it was consistent throughout.
The experience of working with Widgit was brilliant, a personalised resource being created and sent to me within two weeks of sending a general enquire. The offer to make the resource bespoke to us was a lovely touch. We would definitely recommend Widgit and indeed already have! Thank you so much Widgit – I handed out the laminated ground rules last night in my teachers meeting and they are already up on the wall of every classroom.
Fay Cripps
Teacher of PSHE & Religious Education
Littlegreen Primary School
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