Spectrum Autism Friendly Festival

Spectrum - The Autism FriendlyFestival

Spectrum Festival is an award-winning festival that allows autistic people and those with other disabilities to have fun in an environment where they can truly be themselves, whilst providing parents and carers a space to relax, without fear of judgement.

The festival takes place at Lea Green Learning and Development Centre, a fantastic facility with a reputation for excellence in all areas.

For more information about Spectrum Festival, please visit: www.spectrumderbyshire.com

Prepare for Spectrum

Story to Help: Going to Spectrum Festival

Our Story to Help can help your family prepare for the festival. It contains useful information about the activities you will see during the festival.

Spectrum Festival Story to Help with Widgit Symbols

Visiting Spectrum Communication Board

Our Communication Boards which can be used to aid communication around the fully symbolised site.

Spectrum Festival Communication Boards with Widgit Symbols

Join our symbol-friendly network

Widgit Symbol-Friendly Network
Symbol-Friendly network

Widgit are proud to partner with Spectrum Festival who are our very first Symbol-Friendly® charity. To find out more about how you can become a Symbol-Friendly Organisation click here.

You can also contact our team for more information on 01926 333680 or email symbolfriendly@widgit.com